Friday, October 26, 2012

Interesting facts of the life of cats.

Cats are North America’s most popular pets: there are 73 million cats compared to 63 million dogs. Over 30% of households in North America own a cat.

During the time of the Spanish Inquisition, Pope Innocent VIII condemned cats as evil and thousands of cats were burned. Unfortunately, the widespread killing of cats led to an explosion of the rat population, which exacerbated the effects of the Black Death

When a family cat died in ancient Egypt, family members would mourn by shaving off their eyebrows. They also held elaborate funerals during which they drank wine and beat their breasts. The cat was embalmed with a sculpted wooden mask and the tiny mummy was placed in the family tomb or in a pet cemetery with tiny mummies of mice

While many parts of Europe and North America consider the black cat a sign of bad luck, in Britain and Australia, black cats are considered lucky

Cats hate the water because their fur does not insulate well when it’s wet. The Turkish Van, however, is one cat that likes swimming. Bred in central Asia, its coat has a unique texture that makes it water resistant

The world’s rarest coffee, Kopi Luwak, comes from Indonesia where a wildcat known as the luwak lives. The cat eats coffee berries and the coffee beans inside pass through the stomach. The beans are harvested from the cat's dung heaps and then cleaned and roasted. Kopi Luwak sells for about $500 for a 450 g (1 lb) bag

                                                                                      ( Based on site

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Interesting Facts About Cats

Cats are kept as domestic pets and the species has been living with us for thousands of years. There are many breeds of cat, including ones without hair and tails. They are capable of hunting many different types of species and are highly intelligent. Because they are so intelligent, it is possible to train them to do the most unlikely of tasks, such as opening doors (although obviously not with a key of course).
How Do Cats Communicate?
They purr, miaow and hiss. They also use body language and use a combination of these things when communicating with 'fellow felines'. They are still capable of living in the wild.
Defining Terms
A male cat is known as a tom. A female, believe it or not, is called a queen. The cute young variety are known as kittens. If the cat in question has registered ancestry, then it is referred to as a pedigree cat. Purebred cats constitute only one tenth of the total cat population.
How Long Do They Live?
If kept at home as domesticated pets, cats live a very long time. The average is fourteen to twenty years. The oldest cat in recorded history lived to the grand age of thirty six. Generally speaking, cats that don't venture outside tend to live longer because they don't get into fights or risk injury from accidents.
How Much Sleep Do They Need?
Cats sleep... a lot ! The older they get, the more sleep they need, but the average is between thirteen and fourteen hours a day. Some cats though, will sleep the majority of the day ( upto twenty hours ). If only the average working person could enjoy such sleeping luxury.
Reading A Cats Body Language
If a cat is angry it will twitch the end of its tail. A tail held high in the air means your cat is happy, whereas a tail pointing down will usually indicate it is not happy. If you encounter a surprised cat, or one that is in fear, the hair on its back may become raised, along with its tail.
When a cat is being friendly with another, it will tend to touch the others nose. If a cat is happy and sitting on your lap, it may paw you. They will often use this in combination with purring as a display of affection towards their owner.
Please visit our site resource dedicated specifically to cat pictures.
Article by Sarah Parker of [] ( Providing you with a wide variety of cat pictures )

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Monday, October 22, 2012

Why Kids Love Cats So Much

There are many children who want to have a cat for a pet. Perhaps, your children are among these who desire to have one. If you are wondering why children love cats so much, the below reasons will provide some insight into this.
Cats provide good entertainment. Surely, you have seen a cat scamper across the tops of furniture, shimmy up the walls and jump down from high places and land right on his or her feet. To us who are grown, these behaviors are annoying. We wish that the animal can stop behaving in this fashion and stay out of the way. Kids, on the other hand, find these behaviors to be funny. They sit and watch in amazement, and they laugh heartily. Kids also enjoy playing games with their cats, like fetch, and they like to teach them how to do tricks. When these animals entertain these children, they will stay out of the hair of the adults and have something to do during boring times.
Cats are also nice to cuddle. The reason this is the case is because felines are nothing but big, warm fur balls. If you buy your child a cat who loves to be held, then he or she will cuddle with your young one for hours. Your young one can enjoy companionship while doing homework, and this pet can keep him or her company while sleeping at night. If your child has something comforting to sleep with, he or she will not be scared and feel the need to crawl into your bed to bother you while you are sleeping or taking some time for yourself.
Cats offer children lots of affection. When your child feels sad, the cat will crawl into his or her lap and stay there until he or she feels better. There have been some cases when a cat has been known to wrap his or her paws around his or her owner's neck and give a hug. If your kid ever experiences this while sad, this will mean a lot to him or her.
Kids love cats because it does not require a lot of work to take care of them. All kids have to do is clean out the litter box, provide food and water and make sure the animal remains safe. It is not necessary to walk a cat, take it out to go to the bathroom or bathe it.
If you get a boy cat for your child, then you will want to get it fixed. If you do not, he will feel the need to mark his territory. The male cat will urinate all over your furniture, clothing and other odds and ends. Because cat urine smells, you do not want this to happen. You will also need to get the animal declawed, whether it is male or female. If you do not, curtains will be torn up, furniture will be scratched and the pet will ruin things around your house because he or she will feel the need to use various objects as scratching posts. If you take these precautions, your child will enjoy his or her pet, and your house will remain clean and orderly.
Cats are adorable pets as you will find out yourself if you visit cat online games at

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