Saturday, October 20, 2012

                                          Informative article. Familiar phrase - live like cats and dogs  :-)

This is the article you requested from
Cats And Dogs Can Get Along
by Emilija Spirkoska
Animals are fun to be around and in my opinion each household should have at least a couple in the house.
But, can a cat and dog get along? You might think that all cats and dogs do is fight, but that’s not true. Cats and dogs can get along well and if you ask most people they would probably say that each family should have at least one of each pet.
Even though the old saying, “fighting like cats and dogs” is in fact true,  we must say that there are also examples of a dog-cat true friendship.
And because at times it can be rough teaching your dog and cat to like each other we decided to share some basic steps on how to train your cat and dog to get along without harming each other.
First of all, you should know that you will probably have less problems if you have a puppy rather than a dog. Because the puppy will see the cat as part of the gang :).
Also if your dog is aggressive then don't even try to train him/her to get along with a cat. It's just won't happen.
Last but not least, if your cat is a small kitten or is elderly or handicapped that means that it can easily get hurt around a „hyper“ dog.
However, here are some tips to help train your cat and dog to get along without harming each other.
1. You should start out slow. Animals too need time to get to know each other. And if you rush them into things they will probably end up unhappy and will eventually start fighting. 2. Give your dog a treat each time it acts friendly around your cat . Saying nice things like “Yay, you are a good dog; look who’s here; Kitty is here” will also make the atmosphere more friendly. Also you should try to sound happy each time you say those things. 3. Hold your cat in your arms and then tell your friend to bring your dog into the room. Slowly, bring them close together until they are comfortable enough with each other to sit still. 4. Last but not least, rub a towel on your dog and place near the cat, so that the cat can get used to the smell and try to accept it.
Hopefully, after doing all these steps your cat and dog will start to get along and live a happy life.
However that’s might not always be the case. Just check out these two! At least they don't end up hurting each other.
View more articles from Emilija Spirkoska

This article is provided by - The ULTIMATE Article Database

And here the amusing video found me 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Way destruction of fleas at cats

How to Cure Fleas With Frontline Plus for Cat 

Frontline plus for cat: Unique treatment that cure fleas
In order to start fleas you need to find them first, if they are actually there in your cat. If you see black and white matter in your catâEUR(TM)s fur, you can be sure that fleas actually do reside in your cat. In such a case, you need a powerful cat flea treatment that can remove the present fleas but prevent them from coming back. One such flea cat preventative is the Frontline Plus for cat. It is a powerful flea preventative that is very effective in controlling fleas in cats as well kittens.
Frontline Plus meant especially for cats stops as well as prevents infestations of the fleas by killing them which includes the adults, the larvae and the eggs. It helps in to inhibit all stages of the fleas including adult fleas as well as the larvae and the pupae from developing into adults. The process also inhibits the chances of developing serious ailments such as the flea allergy dermatitis.
Frontline Plus for cat: Active ingredients
The unique solution in Frontline Plus for cat include fipronil and S-methoprene which are considered to be the two most active ingredients in it. Fipronil can be explained as a broad spectrum insecticide which also acts as a slow acting poison that can disrupt the workings of the central nervous system in terms of the flea. As for S-methoprene, it is an insect growth regulator. Insect growth regulators can inhibit or interrupts the life cycle of the fleas. When exposed to this extremely powerful insect growth regulator, the fleas never get to fully develop into an adult. This also makes the jumping, biting and reproduction of fleas a lot less.
This flea tick treatment collects in the oils of the o skin of your cat and is continuously released from the hair follicles into the skin as well as the coat. It is waterproof, so it can remain intact for up to thirty days. Thus, the benefits of Frontline Plus for cat that cures fleas include; 
  • It kills all the existing fleas within twelve hours,

  • Provides protection for up to thirty days,

  • Helps in controlling sarcoptic mange infections,

  • Is usable in kittens that at least 8 weeks or older,

  • Can also be used in pregnant as well as lactating cats.
The above tries to give you a comprehensive idea on how Frontline Plus for cat helps to cure fleas from your cat. Try it once so that you can see for yourself the wonders of this flea and tick preventative.

About the Author

We feel proud to be one of the high-quality supplies of Generic and Brand Frontline Plus range products. We specialize in   Aspis Forte for Dog  which is  Generic version of Frontline Plus

Smile! Fleas of the "10th level"!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Cat - a mystical beast!

Pets Can Improve Your Health

Did you know that more than 60% of households have a pet - cats and dogs being the most popular - and that the average lifetime cost of owning a dog today stands at around £16,900 and for a cat £17,200?
It's clear to see that these beloved animals have us firmly wrapped around their furry paws; but is it just a one way street? Do we get something from them in return? Apart from the obvious love, companionship and friendship there are other less obvious benefits that can affect our health.
We have seen many cases where pets have healed people physically, emotionally and mentally. But recently doctors have discovered the amazing fact that cats and dogs can help us not only fight disease but also with the way we cope with chronic conditions. Scientific studies have in fact confirmed what we have felt - our pets have a positive impact on our health.
Let's see what research has discovered.
1. Far from causing a problem, pets can actually lessen the risk of allergiesand asthma. New studies have actually shown that babies and children, who are raised with a furry friend, will be at less risk of asthma and allergies. Researchers have analyzed blood samples from babies immediately after they have been born and again one year late. They were searching for evidence of immunity changes, reactions to bacteria in the environment and general allergic reaction. The results showed that if a dog lived in the house then the child was less likely to show any evidence of pet allergies. It was also found that they also were less likely to have eczema; add to that the fact that they had much higher levels of some immune system chemicals- which is a sign of stronger immune system.
2. We have seen so many times that pets help to reduce stress that it's easy to accept this fact even without scientific evidence. However a survey carried out by Mindlab International discovered that a huge 55% of people that they studies were more relaxed after they had spent time with their pets and 44% appeared to be less worried about a specific, identifiable problem. The research team concluded that if we interact with a pet it can profoundly and effectively reduce our stress levels.
3. It's a fact - cats can actually lower the risk of having a fatal heart attack. Researchers have studied nearly 4,500 adults and discovered that those who owned a cat had a 40% lower risk of having a heart attack that proved fatal. The researchers considered that owning a cat could lower anxiety and stress and so guard against cardiovascular disease - the simple action of stroking your feline friend can actually lower your blood pressure.
4. Dog owners tend to have lower blood pressure and cholesterol according to a psychologist from Queen's University, Belfast. She explained that taking regular walks would partly explain the reason why. You see, just the simple action of taking care of a dog tends to increase physical activity and helps the owner to make social contact with other dog owners. This could improve both physiological and psychological health in the owner.
5. Many doctors now recommend 'pet prescriptions' to patients who live alone and who would benefit from companionship. They feel that a pet motivates some patients to exert their best effort when dealing with serious conditions like cancer. Looking after a pet will stimulate them to take good care of themselves too.
Barbara Fyles is an avid animal fan, but cat are always top of the list. They are such amusing creatures that have a unique way of demanding and getting attention. She loves the way they tolerate humans and use them for their convenience. Barbara gives lots of info, tips and freebies and stories of her own pet's antics at and you can follow her at!/CatPurrfectCat

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Just for Fun Cats talk to each other!

That's useful information about leashes.....

How to Walk Your Cat On a Leash

Most cats love being outdoors, the fresh air and stimulation is great for them and they love the warmth of the sun. Unfortunately, there are some downsides to being outside because many cats will roam and may get lost, injured, kill birds or other wildlife or get into things they shouldn't. A cat leash is an excellent way to take your cat outside for fresh air and exercise while still keeping him safe and protected. Leash training a cat may sound like an impossible task, but it's really not all that difficult. All it takes is some time, effort and a little patience.
The first step is to measure your cat and shop for an appropriate cat leash and harness. Do not use a collar to walk your cat, because if your cat decides to run, the collar could injure his neck or even strangle him. A leash attached to a collar is simply an unsafe choice for your cat. A harness and leash are a much better option. There are many harnesses and leashes to choose from that are specially made for cats. Browse through your local pet store or shop online to find a harness that will fit your cat and not be too heavy. It's also a good idea to pick up some cat treats to encourage and reward your cat when he does well.
When you get the leash and harness home, let your cat inspect them and get used to them being near him. Give your cat treats and lots of praise so they learn to associate the harness with "good" things. Once your cat is used to the harness, you can try putting it on him. It may take a little while, but once it's on, make sure to give your kitty lots of love, praise and treats. At first, you'll need to leave the harness on for a short period to let your cat get used to it. Each day, leave the harness on for longer periods of time until your cat hardly notices their wearing it, while continuing to give your kitty lots of praise and encouragement.
Now it's time to introduce the leash. Clip the leash to the harness and let your cat get used to how it feels. As usual, give lots of encouragement, praise and treats to your cat to reward good behavior. Once he seems comfortable; encourage him to walk a few steps in the same direction as you. If he won't take a step, use a treat to encourage him to take a step forward. If this doesn't work, try picking him up and moving him a foot or two in the right direction, then repeat the process with a treat all over again until your cat begins to get the hang of it.
Remember, to be patient and keep trying. It may take a little time, but with some gentle persuasion, you'll soon be walking your cat on a leash with poise and confidence.
Velita Livingston is the founder of the Cat Lover's Diary blob which provides rich content with great advice on cat care tips and cat training, teaching pet owners how to protect, pamper and live peacefully with their pets. Visit the to watch the Cat Lover's Diary Movie, it contains breathtaking images and heartwarming quotes... It will uplift and inspire you! You can also visit the Cat Lover's Diary on Facebook and Twitter.

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Photos  Cat On a Leash

Unlike dogs cats themselves are walking their owners... :-)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Interesting about cats

About Maine Coon Cats

Cats are one of the most beautiful pets and no one wants to see his pet in a pathetic stage. Many diseases and illnesses are responsible for the bad heath of your pet. Cats are very sensitive as compared to dogs and it is a fact that more than 50% of the cats are facing the diseases in the very first year of their life. Therefore, knowledge about the cat care is necessary in order to achieve a good cat care plan. This article will discuss some of the cat problems and the preventive measures by which your cat can remain in a wonderful state. So here we go,

Stomach Worms

Infestation of worms is a common problem in most of the cats. The cats fail to absorb the nutrition and the result is that the consumption of diet is more and there is no development of health during the period of infestation. The roundworms and the tapeworms are very common and the hookworms are rear in infestation. One or two doses of any medicine can remove these worms. Several precautions are there for the treatment of worm infestation. Most of the times you observe that your cat is eating too much and the sleep cycle become disturbed. In those cases, you have to consult a vet. The vet will diagnose the type of worm after the stool test and suitable medicine will help your pet to get out of this issue.

Vomiting and Diarrhea Issues
There are many types of vomiting. In one type, the cat vomits and there are no further episodes. The single vomiting is better for the cat health as the stomach gave an anti-peristaltic response to the foreign invader. There are many reasons of this type such as engulfing of bad food, rotten fish, etc. Observation shows that due to the humidity issues, pet's food develops a particular sort of smell. That smelling food is very harmful as far as the health of your animal is concerned. Most of the people do not give a proper attention towards the single vomiting but you should at least change the food and give a proper bed rest to the little one. Multiple vomiting is the second type in which most of the cats fail to recover without proper medication. Serious conditions may lead to the blood vomiting. Diarrhea is also a very painful condition and it is most important among many of the cat problems. It is not a disease rather a condition or a secondary disorder that points towards other issues in the digestive system of cat.You should control the dehydration condition by the in time medication. Preventive measure include healthy diet, keeping eye on your pet activities, limited outdoor exposure, daily running, etc.
Urinary Infections and Kidney Issues
This is a serious issue and it affects the males as well as the females. The urinary tract infection may come from the pond swimming or after any dirt adventure. Therefore, if your smart pet is very active and wants a fun and adventure stuff, then you should use the antiseptic solutions. After the dirty tour, you can just dip the animal for some minutes in the water tub mixed with the antiseptic solution. It is very effective strategy and most of the cats love to enjoy bathing. In case of infection, your animal will feel uncomfortable. Urethra may block and accumulation of urine may lead to bad effects on bladder of animal. If the infection penetrates into the renal area then there is possibility of damage in the kidney zone. You can easily identify the kidney issue. Increase in thirst and an aggressive drinking attitude can give you the perfect indication of the problem.
Viral Diseases: Feline Leukemia Virus & Feline Immunodeficiency Virus
These are two common diseases that are prevalent in cats. The virus spreads from the saliva droplets. The virus called corona virus, produce the flu type symptoms. Watery eyes serve as the most important symptom of this disease. As far as the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus is concerned, it affects the immune system of cat. Mainly sexual contact with the infected animals produced this disease.
Other Diseases
Flea, Ticks and Mites Issues
These are all eight legged bugs commonly known to be the pest of animals. These suck the blood of cat and result in the development of many secondary infections. For example, ticks are responsible for the Lyme Disorder.
To conclude, a proper management plan is necessary to tackle with cat problems.
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Photos Maine-Coon

photos courtesy

Beautiful cats. Pleasant. And it is very large. But the small cats are also good!!!